I’ve been thinking recently about how fragile and so precious life is.
You see, a very close friend of mine, ended up in ICU recently on a ventilator, fighting for her life.
First, she has been a very healthy person all her life. She’s never had any surgeries, until this one.
Because her bowel perforated, she went into sepsis. Also, aspirating it into her lungs.
She was on the ventilator for 8 days. Each day was touch and go.
So due to the severity of her condition, I needed to fly to be with her and encourage her to fight and choose to live.
As I flew home, it was still touch and go and all I could do at this point was pray.
Likewise, the love and support of her family by her side from early morning until later in the day, I know she felt it all.
Because she was on many prayer chains and lots of people were praying, I believe all of this helped her to pull through.
She’s healing now and getting stronger. Thank God!
It seems to me, as I have gotten older, I’m aware more of how fragile and so precious life is.
Furthermore, if you have been reading my articles for the last 10 years, you know I speak often about slowing down, paying attention and appreciating.
I’m also reminded to make time for those people and things that matter in your life. It may be easy to get caught up in the busyness of your life, right?
Living with few regrets, helps you to live more of a life you love and enjoy.
Have you thought about someone and think to yourself you need to reach out and connect with them?
If you don’t listen to this intuition when it comes, sometimes you may regret it. You might hear that this person passed away or was in need in some way.
I’m here to encourage you to listen when these thoughts come into your mind and heart.
The more I have listened, the more peace I live within.
In addition to taking time for who and what matters, let go of what doesn’t. This will help you experience how precious life is.
Consequently, as you cherish, appreciate and show love to those that matter often, you will find it easier to let go of the things that bother you.
Does this make sense?
I’m so very grateful I spent the time with my friend while she was in ICU and at the same time, I got to know her family and other friends.
What a gift that was!
As I stayed in her beautiful home, with her daughter, loving the beauty of her back deck, hummingbirds visited me, as I enjoyed the serene setting she created.
When I finally was able to talk with her on the phone, I told her I would come back to stay a few days with her, after she was home.
I look forward to us enjoying her beautiful space together!
Who can you reach out to and let know you are thinking of them?
Do it today!
With love and appreciation,
PS. Here is an article about this topic you may like:
Jay Antipuesto says
Looking forward for your next post 🙂
conniehertz says
Thanks Jay!