I am preparing to sell my beautiful home I had built in 2003, and I struggle with letting go. The photo here is my gorgeous backyard on a small lake/pond, with lots of sounds of wildlife. This view has been one of my “soul gravity” places, for me to feel at peace. I love the sounds of the geese, the ducks, the birds and even the wild turkeys! Seeing my two beautiful white egrets, that return every year, come and go, is mesmerizing to watch. They are so prehistoric looking.
I know it’s time to let go and move on. I am moving in with Hale, my love of almost 11 years. I will be 60 years old on July 8th, and I have had enough of living alone. I loved it for 10 years and after Hale and my Europe trip January 2014, I felt like living alone was no longer what I wanted. I missed Hale in the evenings. I have had enough of eating dinners alone too. We have been going back and forth for almost 11 years, a 35 minute drive in good traffic and over an hour in rush hour.
It’s time for these changes to happen. Hale has been busy for the last many months remodeling his home, as we make it ours.
I am putting my home on the market in about two weeks and need to get my home ready for show. I have no family here in Minnesota to help me go through closets and get all of these things done. I do have 3 ladies I will pay to help me with these tasks. I’ve learned to reach out for help. If not, I get too overwhelmed and get stuck.
That’s why I coach about getting unstuck. I truly have been stuck, not able to move forward for long periods of time in the past, to shorter periods of time now. I created and trademarked my M.O.V.E acronym. I use it with myself a lot. I came up with it working with one of my coaches a few years ago, since the steps in the system, have truly worked for me and others.
I have always been a very sentimental person, having trouble letting go of people, places and things. Do you or have you experienced this as well?
So, I draw upon my last 60 years of lessons and life to help me now to let go of this beautiful home I created after my divorce was final in 2002. I moved in here May of 2003. Time to let go of it and I pray the right people will buy it and love it.
Your action step for this week is to look at things you need to let go of too, and take steps toward doing it! Write to me to let me know what those are.
Love and blessings,
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