10 Universal Laws That Will Transform Your Life
These 10 Universal Laws are very dear to my heart.
First, several years ago, I learned about the Law of Attraction. I had no idea at the time there were more Universal Laws.
Because I was going to host my first Kauai Spiritual Retreat in 2015, I began to study some other Universal Laws, to share at the retreat.
The 10 Universal Laws I’ll share with you in this article, are my favorite out of many Laws and Sub Laws.
As a result of my curiosity about these Laws, I found in my research, some say the Laws are thought to have come from Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727), in part.
These Laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. The laws are often associated with Ho’oponopono, a meditation for freedom, originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. Some of the laws, however, are also attributed to hermetic philosophy, going back to Ancient Egypt and Greece.
Some say there are only 7 Universal Laws and others say there are 12. Others say there are more than 20. I know a man who teaches about Sub Laws. I found looking at the Sub Laws, they were so much to digest, so I have not studied them.
The Universe exists in perfect harmony and order, by the virtue of these Laws.
Teachings dating back more than 5,000 years in ancient Egypt and Greece, all have a common thread in relation to these Universal Laws.
Once you align yourself and apply them to your life, you will experience transformation in all areas of your life.
Our Universe is always moving forward, in a response to vibration.
The Universal Law of Vibration is important to understand, I feel, for you to really make these laws your own.
Furthermore, every thought we have is a thought of vibration and creates different types of vibration. Remember the Emotional Scale I share in my articles? It shows the many different emotions and how high they are on the Emotional Scale.
As our thoughts and emotions, gain momentum, they are all coming together to create the vibration you are living within.
Why would you want to know about these powerful Universal Laws?
Because they will help you to consciously create a life you love, as you apply them daily.
Here are the 10 Universal Laws that will transform your life, in the order I teach them:
- The Law of Divine Oneness
- Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
- Vibration
- Relativity
- Polarity
- Rhythm
- Cause & Effect
- Gender
- Compensation
- Attraction
I have written articles about each of the powerful Laws and compiled them into a FREE e-Book.
You can go to my website and at the bottom of the Home page, you can fill out your information to receive your free copy:
As a result of studying these Laws, I have found I have a greater understanding of how life works. Each Law has it’s own attributes you can utilize, depending on what is going on in your life.
Finally, I will share just a bit about my favorite Universal Law. The Law of Compensation.
You might think it is only about money. It is not.
It’s about Karma. Sowing and reaping, giving, and receiving, doing onto others as you would have them do onto you.
You’ve heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around”?
When you hurt another, you are also hurting yourself. Even with the thoughts you think. They are sent out into the atmosphere and are sent back to you.
Lastly, this Law guarantees in the long run, every virtue is rewarded and every wrong can be rectified, in Divine Order.
Above all, my wish is for you to begin to study these Universal Laws and use them daily in your life. Feel free to reach out to me to talk about all of this.
With love and blessings,
PS. I want to thank Sabrina Fajardo for creating my logo, all my workbooks for everything I have taught and for creating my beautiful cover of my FREE e-Book, you can see below.
If you want her help to create something for you, here is her website:
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