If you hadn’t met a certain person, your entire life would be completely different.
Who is that person or people for you?
Think about your entire life. You’ll know who they are.
There are a few that I can think about that made that domino effect happen in my life in a big way.
I would imagine there really are more than we are aware of. The ones who helped us make significant choices that shaped our life, stand out the most.
In the 1980’s there was a movie I think you can still see on Netflix, called “Mr. Destiny”. Starring Jim Belushi and Linda Hamilton.
This movie clearly lays out how the character Jim Belushi plays, life would be completely different. If in his case, he wouldn’t have struck out in a final baseball game his senior year in high school. This movie made a big impact on me. It showed me how we each need to become aware of our choices. Also, our thoughts about these choices.
He lived his life after that strike out in high school, regretting it happened. He allowed it to hinder his mindset and create limiting beliefs he carried around.
Until one day, he met a man who helped him see what his life would have become if he had hit that home run. Everything became completely different.
I suggest you watch it. It’s powerful. I won’t share anymore details with you, since it would ruin it for you!
Same thing as if you wouldn’t have met a certain person, your life would be completely different. It’s also about the choices we make or don’t make along our journey here.
It’s also about becoming aware. Slowing down and as I often say, “stop living on auto-pilot”.
If I hadn’t met a friend who encouraged me to go to a personal growth course after my divorce, to help me lose my anger and bitterness, I would never have met my husband, Hale.
My friend Dawn Stebbing, who I’ve written about in another article, guided me to two different women’s networking groups here in the Twin Cities. eWomen and WIN, Women In Networking.
I “happened” to meet Dawn at a trade show in Minneapolis, Hale and I went to. She had a booth and we hit if off as we stopped to talk with her. We kept in contact and became friends.
Choosing not to go to these networking groups, I wouldn’t have met the people I needed to meet to choose to develop my coaching practice. I’m not sure what I would be doing today.
I also met my friend Rebecca Metz, at one of these women’s networking groups, who encouraged me in the fall of 2012, to write this blog I write each week. She taught me how to do it and still helps me today with my website and anything like this I need help with.
I love writing each week and sharing from my heart. It helps me process things.
I know others have gained from reading my articles, as some write to me each week to share their thoughts.
Also, I met Kellie Kuecha in Dallas at another personal growth/business 4-day event with my daughter Abby. I asked a question at the microphone and Kellie found me on a break to give me her thoughts about my question. If I wouldn’t have asked my question in this room of over 500 people, we may not have met.
We stayed in touch and she became a coach to me for over one year.
Kellie encouraged me to host retreats. Which never had been in my thoughts before. I have hosted 3 Spiritual Vacation Retreats in Kauai and my next one is April of 2020 in Sedona, Arizona among the Vortex energy.
She also encouraged me to change up my women’s circles a bit; I had been hosting and I created something that had my new business name in it. Kellie helped me create my new business name and other programs.
The name of my business is Living In The Glow. Glow is an acronym I created with her help, G-grow, L-love, O-open and take ownership for your life, W-willing to become who you are meant to be.
I know I’ve touched people’s lives by hosting these retreats, writing my blogs, private coaching and hosting my monthly Women In The Glow Circle Groups. I’ve introduced people to those people who have helped their lives become completely different.
And so, it goes on.
You’re getting the drift of how this works.
I’m asking you to pay attention and think about you and how your life is completely different since you met certain people and made the choices you’ve made.
I’d be interested to hear some of your thoughts and stories about this. Email me or leave me a comment at the end of my blog on my website:
With love and blessings,
PS. Here are photos of Rebecca Metz (top left), Dawn Stebbing (bottom left) and Kellie Kuecha (right side). Thank you, my friends for all you’ve done for me along my journey!
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