How often do you catch yourself feeling impatient?
As I’ve written about before, impatience, irritation and frustration, all are at the same lower vibration on the Emotional Scale. Granted these three emotions are at the top of the right side of the scale. There are other emotions that are much lower in vibration.
Number 10 on the Emotional Scale to be exact. I’ll include the scale at the bottom of this page so you can see it again. I’m a visual person and printing this scale and keeping it in places I’ll look at it often, really helps me to be aware of what I’m thinking and what I’m putting off vibrationally.
I know when I’m impatient, I’m not trusting God and the Universe. I’m not living in Wu-Wei, living in the flow, as I wrote about several weeks ago.
Think about it.
If you’re feeling impatient, frustrated or irritated, you may be forgetting to allow and trust that things will turn out just as they are supposed to.
As I look at the Emotional Scale, these three are the feelings I happen to feel on that right side, more than any other lower vibration feelings.
As I get ready to share my favorite 10 Universal Laws at my upcoming Kauai Retreat October 5-12, 2018, I know this Emotional Scale ties into the Laws beautifully. Check it out if you’re someone that does things last minute and would like to join us:
You’d need to contact me ASAP, because when you read this, it will be just 2 1/2 weeks away!~
Back to being impatient! When you feel yourself feeling this feeling, check in to see if you’re experiencing any of the four things below.
Have you heard of H.A.L.T.? Whenever you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, you need to take care of yourself as soon as you become aware you’re feeling any of these feelings. All of these would definitely help you to feel impatient, irritated or frustrated. Stop what you’re doing and take care of these needs!
Here are 8 signs you’re being impatient:
- Shallow breathing (short breaths).
- Muscle tension.
- Hand and or teeth clenching/tightening.
- Jiggling/restless limbs.
- Irritability/anger.
- Anxiety/nervousness.
- Rushing.
- Snap/quick decisions.
Here are some things that may help when you do become impatient, irritated or frustrated:
- Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10. Doing this helps slow your heart rate, relaxes your body, and distances you emotionally from the situation. If you’re feeling really impatient, irritated or frustrated, you might need to do a longer count, or do this several times.
- Impatience can cause you to tense your muscles involuntarily. So, consciously focus on relaxing your body. Again, take slow, deep breaths. Relax your muscles, from your toes up to the top of your head. Do a meditation.
- Learn to manage your emotions. Remember, you have a choice in how you react in every situation. You can choose to be patient, or choose not to be: it’s all up to you.
- Force yourself to slow down. Make yourself speak and move more slowly. It will appear to others as if you’re calm – and, by “acting” patient, you can often “feel” more patient.
- Practice active listening. Make sure you give other people your full attention, and patiently plan your response to what they say.
- Remind yourself that your impatience rarely gets others to move faster – in fact, it can interfere with other people’s ability to perform complex or highly-skilled work. All you’re doing is creating more stress, which is completely unproductive.
- Try to talk yourself out of your impatient frame of mind. Remind yourself how silly it is that you’re reacting this way. People often don’t mind if a meeting is delayed, just as long as you let them know that you’re running late in advance.
- Say a quick prayer and ask for help.
I hope all of these tips will help you the next time you find yourself feeling impatient, frustrated or irritated!
Contact me if you you want to talk about all of this. Here’s a link for a free 30 minute phone call with me:
Here’s to finding a way to live with more patience!~
PS. Here’s the Emotional Scale. Print it and keep it where you can look at it often!~
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