How Often Are You Playing And Having Fun In Your Life?
I recently spent time playing with our two youngest grandkids, Liv 7, and Reid 4.
Whenever I spend time with them, fun is a given.
Because they are the ages they are, fun is a part of their everyday life.
For instance, Liv played 12 songs in a row, while we danced to all of them. This was “for exercise” she said.
We laughed and simply moved to each song. Reid came to join in too.
Also, we played several board games and make believe.
In other words, for kids, fun comes naturally.
As adults, we can get caught up in what is happening in our lives, while forgetting if we took time for fun, our mind set would shift.
Kids are our great teachers, reminding us to enjoy as many moments as we can, playing and having fun regularly.
Another thing I haven’t done for many years, was cutting out paper snowflakes.
I showed Liv how to do it and her joy and excitement took me back to making these with my own kids. ( her daddy, Adam and Auntie Abby)
What are things you can do to create fun in your life?
I spoke about playing cards and games with our older grandkids and Hale’s son over Thanksgiving weekend. That was so much fun!
Luckily, I come from a family that has always played cards and board games, so its an easy thing to remember to do to enjoy yourself.
I wrote about this with a friend of mine in a FB group, when she asked us to give examples of how we have fun.
The saying I shared was this:
“When families play together, they stay together”
“Research shows that when we have fun with others, these experiences have a positive effect on building trust and developing communication. Having fun gives us an opportunity to connect and be creative.”
Think about it. It really is true.
Another thing I am constantly sharing in my articles is about slowing down and not living on autopilot. And then, moments of joy are created throughout your day, consciously.
Consequently, you will be adding more fun into your life.
Reducing stress in your life, is one of the important health benefits when you are playing and having fun.
We all know that stress is not good for your overall health.
Studies have shown, when people have fun, the brain releases feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine.
Above all, during this pandemic we have been living within for the last 10 months, it’s important to find things to do often that you enjoy.
As I’ve shared before, while I’m singing, my feelings shift.
As I was doing our Christmas cards the other day, I put on Christmas music to get me in a holiday mood. Before I knew it, I was singing along to the songs.
One of our Christmas gifts I bought for myself and Hale this year, is snowshoes.
Right now, we don’t have snow on the ground, only living here in Minnesota, that will be changing soon.
My thoughts are, get outside more often in the winter since it lasts about 5-6 months here!
I’ll keep you posted on how this goes.
I hope this inspires you to act in your life by creating some fun in your days!
Here’s to playing more, having fun, and feeling more joy and laughter in our lives,
Here is the link to read 8 health benefits to having fun:
PS. In October, we got 8 inches of snow. Below are Liv and Reid with the snowman they made with their daddy.
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