Are you taking time to think about this holiday season and what it means to you?
When you’re reading this it will most likely be Christmas and also the first day of Hanukah.
To me it means family and friends and spending time with them, as many as I can. It’s not just about the actual day of the holiday, it’s about what I talk about in almost every blog I write, appreciation. Appreciating all of your moments.
I have set up different times to see people I love and care about before and after the holidays. Even if it’s simply for a short time.
As you stop and not get caught up in the stresses that people do during the holidays, you’re much more able to enjoy your present moments, aren’t you?
How do you do this? How can you not get wrapped up in stress and how can you instead, enjoy whats going on around you?
I say it all starts with tuning in to yourself and knowing what you need and want, and honoring that.
Stop and think about this holiday season and what it means to you and what you want to create.
Be prepared. Don’t wait until the last minute to get things done. Ask for help where you may need it.
It’s no ones responsibility but your own to take care of you and do what you need to do. Guard your thoughts and who you are spending time around. Set your intentions for each activity and how you want it to feel and turn out. See it all in your minds eye before you even step foot outside your door. Or if festivities are taking place in your own home, set aside time to do this. Take deep breaths and calm your mind and thoughts and picture how you want it all to be.
This is all a part of honoring you. If there are activities that you need to keep off of your list this year, honor that. Only if you choose to go somewhere that has created stress inside of you in the past, take time to do some work around that well before the event takes place.
It’s up to you what your present moments are. You are a creator of your own existence every day. I am urging you to become a conscious creator of all of your moments daily.
As I’ve said before, it begins with awareness and slowing down and tuning in to what you’re thinking and in turn feeling.
I will be in Toledo with Hale, my daughter Abby from NYC, and my parents. I will see my other siblings and their families during gatherings and dinners. My sisters and I have discussed menu’s and who is bringing what, timing etc ahead of time. This way, I will be prepared and consciously creating peaceful, fun, enjoyable moments with everyone I’m with. It does get noisy and loud with my family, and I know how to handle this if it gets too much for my senses.
So, as you stop right now and think about this holiday season and what it means to you, give yourself the love and appreciation you need, and I know you will be able to give more to others that you come into contact with, when you do.
With much love and appreciation,
Think about giving yourself the gift of our Glow Kauai Spiritual Vacation October 27-November 27, 2017. This will be a gift that will keep on giving to your soul and your life, even after you’ve returned home from paradise. Check out the retreat page with info from 2015 and 2016’s retreat. The schedule will be close to what’s listed.
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