What does living in the glow mean?
I have people ask me about it. What would it mean for you to live in the glow?
G.L.O.W. is an acronym.
G~ Grow
L~ Love
O~ Open and take Ownership
W~ Willing
First, I based the name of my business off of where I’m at today in relation to where I lived inside of myself several years ago. You see, there was a time in my life when I didn’t know the kind of joy I live in most of my present moments now. I was very far away from living in the glow!
Knowing how I moved from a place the opposite of living in my glow, I wanted to share this. That’s how my coaching business was born.
Because, living in the glow is a choice, recently during my on going grieving, of the loss of my mom, it’s been more of a challenge at times. Thankfully I have the tools to help myself.
G~ Grow has been a common theme for me since I took my first personal growth class in Toledo, Ohio where I am from, in 1974 at 19 years old.
This class introduced me to meditation and many spiritual practices and principles I still use today.
It gave me a thirst for growing and learning. There were many times since 1974 that I didn’t consciously choose to grow however.
I let “life get in the way”.
I’ve been a reader of personal growth books and attended other personal growth workshops, since that time.
The difference in the last several years for me is choosing consciously to grow. To become the best Connie I can be. This is living in the glow.
Hence, my choice back in 2014 to begin hosting spiritual retreats.
L~ Love is something I choose to be daily. Choosing love instead of fear is something you need to choose consciously every day as well. I choose to add to others lives instead of taking away from them. Each time you are kind, or stop and do something for another, give a smile, slow down enough to notice another person and what’s happening for them in that moment, and acknowledge them, that’s love.
What about loving yourself? That is something I had to learn to do over my years as well. During that first class they gave all of us an exercise to look in the mirror and say “I love you”, everyday. It wasn’t an easy thing to do back then. There were many tears as I practiced this as often as I could.
As a result of being true to yourself, your values and giving of yourself, you will grow to love yourself.
Only, I know for sure the more I respected me and grew to love myself, my world became happier. So loving yourself in these ways are necessary to living in the glow.
O~ Open. Are you open to receive great people and experiences into your life? Furthermore, are you open to hear what others have to say?
What about being open to listen to your own intuition and then making choices consciously for your own life? Are you open to becoming the best person you can become?
It’s a life long journey.
The other part of the O~ Ownership. Do you take ownership for what you do and don’t have in your life? Or do you blame yourself, others, and other outside forces? Blame is a thing that will tear you apart. I know this for sure.
When the father of my children left me after 20 years of marriage for a 27 year old, I blamed both of them every day for awhile. It was destroying me. I needed to get rid of the blame.
No one can do it alone, so my friend suggested I take another personal growth class here in Minnesota that saved me. I learned quickly to get rid of the blame.
W~ Willing. Are you willing to do what it takes to improve the things in your life that you’re not happy about? Are you willing to take steps, even if they’re baby steps, to become a person who lives in more joy than not?
This was an overview of what it’s like for you to Live in your Glow.
Leave me a comment below or send me a message about all of this.
My wish for each of you is that you will learn to live in your Glow!
PS. Click here to hear some of my story on my website:
We are all living in our glow during our 2016 Glow Kauai Spiritual Vacation Retreat, in this photo below, wouldn’t you say?
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