Happy 88th birthday to my Mom, Mary! Happy 69th Anniversary to my parents!
These are wonderful milestones to celebrate, don’t you think?
My parents met at church over 71 years ago. They began dating when my mom asked my dad to join she and her friend, to a Baptist youth group event.
I have been so very grateful my mom and dad have been in my life now going on 65 years!
They are both the best examples of what authentic, loving, serving, kind people are.
To remain married for 69 years is amazing by itself in this day and age.
My mom relayed it wasn’t always easy.
I’m one of 5 kids they raised. And back when I was young, to avoid having my mom go to work, my dad would work all day as a carpenter, come home, eat dinner with us, and head back to a second job.
Above all, faith is a strong part of my parent’s lives. My family went to church every Sunday and when we were old enough, all of us went to our youth programs every week, and to summer camp through our church for one week.
Praying at the table before our dinner, as we all sat down as a family each evening was important.
My mom has also filled our lives with song. She plays the piano and organ and has always sung in the choir at our church since she was a young girl. I have carried my love of song on to my kids and grand kids. I hear my son singing to his daughter and son today, and it warms my heart!
Mom baked cookies and cakes and for each of our birthdays, we got to pick out our favorite meals and whatever we wanted for a dessert, to celebrate our special day. We didn’t have a lot of money, so mom would find ways to make everything seem special. We always felt loved.
Because of the love my parents have for each other and their strong faith, this newer journey of my mom going through chemotherapy, has been made easier. Due to the support my dad has given mom, they’ve been facing this together.
As I’m writing this, her chemotherapy is finished. We just found out her follow up CT scan was clear! Thank God! All of her blood work is almost back to normal as well.
Another thing that will take place this month, is a followup cystoscopy and biopsy. We are praying all these tests are clear.
I will be flying back for this to be supportive and to help where I can. My dad, siblings and I, make a good team.
As a result of mom’s faith and good attitude, she’s been able to continue with her passion of singing in the weekly church choir. She even sent out 60 Christmas cards, baked cookies, sang at the Christmas Eve service, bought and wrapped more than 50 gifts. My sisters helped with the gifts.
Really the only side effect she had from the chemo has been feeling tired in the afternoons. Her weight has only dropped about 6 lbs. or so.
Furthermore, mom has continued to do everything she has always done, taking time to rest as needed.
My parents continued being of service with the other patients at the chemo center. Dad would take people a cup of tea, juice, coffee, crackers or a warm blanket. Another act of kindness and service was passing out little crystal angels for the patients to hold in their hands while getting chemo.
These precious crystal angels were made by my sister’s sister-in-law.
As you can see, my parents are wonderful examples and role models to so many others out in this world.
Finally, with 16 grand kids, and close to 30 great grandkids, my parents have helped create an amazing legacy.
I’m honored to be your daughter and to celebrate your 69th Anniversary and to celebrate your 88th birthday, Mom!
Here’s to many more years of health, family, love, faith and celebrations!
I love you both beyond words,
PS. Here’s a site I found about milestone birthday celebrations:
Happy birthday to Mary and what a beautiful tribute you wrote Connie! It is truly amazing to of made it to this anniversary, your family is truly blessed! Love to all
Thank you Sharon!
Love and blessings to you and your family,
Wow! Congratulations on 69 amazing years together. Your family is so supportive, I know you are proud of all of them. Also, Happy 88th Birthday Mary and congratulations on your good test results. May God keep blessing you, keep you strong and healthy. ❤
Thank you Lorraine!
Sending you love and blessings,
This is a great and fitting tribute for two amazing and wonderful people! Love them always!
Thank you Tom!
Love you,