More On Gratitude
By Connie Hertz
As this month of Thanksgiving moves on, I continue to think about what I’m grateful for.
In the photo here, from Christmas 2013 in Toledo, is my daughter Abby, and my nieces Ashley, Carly, Marie, Tori and Marissa, (today is Marissa’s 21st birthday! Happy birthday Ris!).
I am flying to Toledo in 3 days to spend this Thanksgiving with my Toledo family. Which is everyone, other than Hale, my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and my 3 grandchildren.
I find as I get older, making memories with people I love, is so very important and precious. Do you?
While I’m in the Toledo area, I get to spend time as well with two of my friends from childhood, Debbie, since we were 7 years old and Sharon, since we were in 5th grade.
I cherish all of my friendships, both the long time and the newer friendships.
I also am thankful for my great health and the fact I still get to have my wonderful parents to go stay with, who are in pretty good health too!
I am aware how important it is to live consciously in my present moments.
I have chosen to not only give thanks in this month of Thanksgiving, but consciously every day. My gratitude journal I have spoken about before, is one way I begin each day, writing down things I’m grateful for.
What are some things you do often to show your thanks and appreciation?
A smile, a thank you note, a helping hand, really listening to someone, a phone call or text or email to simply say “I’m thinking of you”?
Really treating everyone I meet, as someone who matters, sending them good thoughts or vibes, asking them “what can I do for you?”, are ways I slow down and live in my present moments.
Write something below that you do to show your gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness.
With many blessings to you and your loved ones,
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