I’m so happy to announce I will be holding monthly Women In The Glow Circles in my home.
I have been doing women’s circles in my home now for about 3 years, using another group’s format. I will be teaching monthly from different topics that I’m coaching within my Living In The Glow business.
Some of the topics are: mindset, a healthy body, daily disciplines to inspire you, clarity of your dreams, having healthy relationships with others and with money, spirituality, and celebrating yourself.
I have found, as many women have, there is a sense of strength, power, kindness, love, caring and an authentic listening and being heard when communicating in circle. Everyone I have had here, have gone away inspired and with a sense of hope and renewal. I have found that when women come together, whether they have ever met each other or not, walls come down rather quickly, while in circle.
Glow is an acronym, as I mentioned in last weeks blog. G-Grow L-Love O-Open and take Ownership W- Willing.
To Live In The Glow, you would be living your life slowing down, appreciating present moments, learning from them, and not living on auto-pilot anymore. You would not let yourself stay stuck for very long. You would live in hope and live in more joy than you ever have. You like to learn and grow, and are open to new things. You don’t spend your time blaming others and you are willing to be coachable. You are willing to do what you can to become the person you were meant to be.
I have not always lived in the joy I live in today. I really have learned through some tough times in my life, how to live in most of my present moments in love, joy and appreciation. From these challenging times throughout my life, I have learned important lessons to teach you. I know it’s time to step it up and get my messages out to more people, especially women.
I hope you’ll check out what I’m doing and be on my upcoming free two part, one hour each, webinar called M.O.V.E. Into Joy. Look for information about it to begin mid May 2015. To be included in my invitations to my programs, go to my website and fill out your information. You will receive my free M.O.V.E video to see how I got unstuck!
Your action step this week is to pay attention to yourself and how you’re living in your Glow! Write a message to me about what is going on with you.
Blessings to all of you,
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