When you follow your guidance, you will live a life you love, more often. You may ask, “How do I do that?”
What is guidance and how does it feel?
First, I have found guidance is a feeling similar to intuition.
You may get goose bumps or a strong physical feeling of some sort.
Or it may come in the form of a quick thought, idea or possibly a dream.
For instance, when you are aware of how you’re feeling more of the time than not, it’s easier to allow yourself to listen to the messages you may get throughout your day.
The more you are living on the left side of the Emotional Scale I speak of often, your vibrations and energy are higher. You are feeling more of the uplifted emotions, such as joy, love and appreciation.
One thing you must do is ask for God to give to you what you need to know.
Help you to hear and understand this guidance. Also, ask to remember this guidance because it may come in the form of a dream.
I do this every night on the way to sleep after stating in my mind what I am thankful for that day.
It helps me to release control that isn’t mine. It belongs to God and to my angels who I know are with me each day.
This is an easy practice to begin doing each night. I guarantee as you begin to do this, you’ll get better and better at listening for and trusting your guidance.
My messages come to me often towards morning as I’m just beginning to wake up. Even as little as what to make for dinner that night.
My sister Carol shared a beautiful guidance she just had before going to visit my mom’s grave, with her husband.
As she was looking for flowers to take, below is the photo of what she found. When she spotted the potted rose plant, the two longer red roses stood out. Then she noticed the five pink, shorter roses nestled together.
Wow, first of all, red roses were Mom’s favorite flower. The two longer red roses symbolized Mom and Dad.
Also, the five pink, shorter roses symbolized their five children.
When you listen, and learn to trust the messages you receive, you will feel stronger and more in alignment with God, your creator.
Have you gotten an intuition to not drive a certain way, even though it’s the way you may usually go?
Trust it. Don’t question it. Just take action and go the other way. This is guidance. You may never know what may have happened if you chose not to listen, and drove your regular way.
I have shared with you in the past, how I have listened to my guidance about hosting my different retreats.
Consequently, I have found by listening, my retreats have unfolded magically. So many things fell into alignment.
Similarly, many people speak about synchronicity.
Synchronicity is the Universe saying yes. Even if we may not understand why, its comforting to know that out of all the possibilities, you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. “When the student is ready, the master appears.”
When you are open to receive guidance’s, and you are living on the left side of the Emotional Scale, synchronicity will occur more often.
I’ll share in another article about this topic soon.
Finally, my hope is you will begin to slow down, relax, listen and tune in to receive your messages.
As you do, your life will begin to unfold in magical ways.
With love and appreciation,
PS. Here is a short YouTube video with suggestions on following your guidance:
To read more about each of the things I have followed guidance on:
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