Finding hope in your life changes your perspective.
Because hope has come up a couple times recently, it was time to write an article about this topic.
I’ve been reading a page each morning for awhile now, from Joyce Meyer’s book, 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better.
This morning I read about hope. Here is what she said:
“Each of us is faced daily with negative things and people. But we can choose to reject a negative outlook, and with God’s help, we can believe that good things are happening all around us, if we only take the time to see them. We can live our life filled with hope.
Hope is more than wishful thinking. Hope is favorable and a confident expectation. It’s an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen. And things will work out, no matter what situation we are facing.
The more you choose hope, the better your life will be. Hope dispels the darkness and gives us the strength to believe in something better.”
Samuel Smiles, a renowned nineteenth-century Scottish author, once said, “Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”
In contrast, as you choose to focus on any stress or sadness in your life, you will be casting hope aside.
Yes, you are human, and you will focus on the things that are of a lower vibration at times. Perhaps many times each day.
I’m here to remind you of the choices you can make often throughout your day. As you notice you’re living on the right side of the Emotional Scale, where the vibrations are lower (I’ll share it once again at the bottom of this article), you can choose to shift this around.
Likewise, you may say to me, Connie, “I need to feel my feelings and not ignore them.”
To which I would answer, “I agree. Yes, feel your feelings. Only do not choose to stay there too long. What you focus on becomes your reality. You have the power to choose to move up on the right side of the Emotional Scale or perhaps move over to the left side, sooner.
Remember, a believe is only a thought you continue to think. As you continue to think things regularly that don’t serve you, you are creating a belief. Similarly, when you continue to think positive things, you are creating a belief.”
Furthermore, as you choose to feel hope, you are living more on the left side of the scale. You are leaving the negative things and negative people, behind.
Hence, you are helping to create healthier relationships with those you love, co-workers and yourself.
Above all, the definition of hope can differ depending on the person. When people speak about it in a spiritual context, it might mean believing good things will happen with faith in a higher power. They might direct their hopes outward in prayer.
For others, it might mean always looking on the bright side and seeing challenges as opportunities. In other words, always “hoping for the best.”
Lastly, In Scripture, according to the Hebrew and Greek words translated by the word “hope” and according to the biblical usage, it is an indication of certainty. “Hope” in Scripture means “a strong and confident expectation.”
Please choose hope, as things comes up in your life. At least remember you have the power to choose.
With love and appreciation,
PS. As I often do as I’m writing my articles, I share with you, thoughts from others about my topic. This time, I found a great website about hope. The meme above is from her helpful tips on this site. Click the link below to read more of her tips:
PSS. Here’s a link on site about my story, as I found hope in my life after being faced with obstacles:
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