By Connie Hertz
What feeds your spirit? Do you take the time daily, weekly, monthly to do something that makes your heart sing, or helps you to feel in alignment with who you are and with your God?
I learned over 40 years ago, in my first personal growth class, how to meditate. There are many different forms of meditation, and I’ve done many. I set aside time most afternoons to spend 15 minutes doing a meditation. Meditation is one thing that feeds my spirit.
You ask, “What if I don’t know how to meditate?” I say if you’re interested, learn a form that seems like a fit for you. If you have no interest in meditation, then how about beginning your day reading one inspirational reading or writing down a quote or an affirmation that speaks to you, and putting it on your mirror, so you can see it often? Take responsibility for yourself and choose to be more positive and do more positive things every day!
What do you really enjoy doing? Do that often!
I like to sing. My singing voice isn’t the quality to get on stage and perform, and that’s OK! I put on music I love to sing to, and just sing. When I cook, I always have music on, I may light some candles and I just get into the dinner I’m preparing.
The photo here is of my back yard in the summer. It’s January here in Minnesota as I write this and we’ve had bitter cold temps and snow this week. So, I dream of sitting out on my deck with this view, as well as other warm weather places I’ve been.
We all have things that truly make us light, youthful and joyful.
Write one thing below that truly makes you feel this way! Begin to dream again of what you want in your life and what you really enjoy. Then go do some of them! Do them often!
Lighten your spirit and make it sing! It’s up to each one of us to feed our own spirit and keep it young and joyful.
Will you join me in this?
With blessings and much joy to each of you!
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