Faith vs Fear. I’ve been thinking about this almost daily lately. It’s faith vs impatience for me recently. I guess impatience could be put in a similar category with fear, because it is the opposite of faith, isn’t it?
I want things to happen in my time. Do you as well? Faith happens when I allow and know, truly know and feel, things will happen in their highest and best timing for me. When I let God work his magic!
I have been tested for the last several months, since I put my beautiful townhome I had built in 2003, on the market.
It has not sold yet. The just right people who are meant to live in this amazing space have not found it yet!
I honestly thought it would sell within the first few months.
When you get something in your mind in life that you think will go one way and ends up not, it produces all kinds of emotions that are not coming from faith. If I truly had faith in everything I teach and do my best to live, I wouldn’t have any of the emotions of frustration, impatience, irritation etc. would I?
I am faced daily with the knowledge that my faith needs to be stronger. I look for lessons in about every situation in my life and I do take responsibility the best I can for what I do and don’t have. I am human, so as I coach others, I am remembering myself to be as gentle with me and my thoughts and feelings as I can.
I know how to shift over to the other side of the Emotional Scale I teach about in every program I have. I use appreciation to shift to the left side of the scale, the side where our vibrations are higher.
I’m finding I am needing to do this quite often throughout my days, since I want to begin my new life living with Hale, and be more of a family, as we will be living under the same roof.
I am reminded to live in my present moments, enjoying them. When I do that, I know I am at a higher vibration emotionally, and I will attract more of the things I want into my life. The trick is to stay there more than not and to not let my thoughts of wanting the just right buyer to come now.
I have other things in my life that I wish were different as well. Some things only sending love out as often as I can, will help shift and change.
What do you have right now going on for you, that you are living in fear or impatience, instead of faith?
Leave me a comment below about something that you are struggling with too. Or private message me or email me.
We can help each other move through and on to more of the wonderful things we envision our lives to be!
With many blessings,
Cathy Wesley says
I question myself and decisions way too much. I believe thinking too much causes this and being that there is a hole in my life…mom gone, it is leaving me with the feeling of what now, who am I and how do I spend my free time. Lots of adjustments. Life is all about that and I need to be aware of the constant changing of our roles in life. Constant reorganizing attitudes and thoughts.
conniehertz says
Thanks for your response Cathy. Yes life is all about adjustments. You are right. And we each have our choices in every situation. I’m glad you and I are friends and I know we can support each other!~