Everything Is relative in life. The Universal Law of Relativity is such a valuable Law to keep in mind.
Everything is relative. Each of us has our own view point.
Imagine you’re going about your life, and you are doing your best to remove judgment with people and situations.
You realize that your perspective is not the only one there is.
And you are open to hearing another person’s point of view. When it doesn’t match yours, you don’t throw that person out or that relationship away. You simply know that this is where the Universal Law of Relativity comes into play.
Right now in America there is great division among many people with different points of view.
The Law of Relativity tells us that everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship to something else.
Light only exists because we compare it to dark.
Good can only exist because we compare it bad.
Hot can only exist because we compare it cold.
Another way to describe this Law is everything in your life is comprised of relationships. Your act of “relating” one thing to another is the only reason why something exists in the way it does.
If you say something costs too much, you must be comparing it to something in your head in order to make that statement, right?
Compared to what?
You need to realize that everything is relative compared to something else. If you’re sitting in a room, you’ll say that room is either big or small. You compare it to another room you’ve been in before.
The truth is, the room just is.
We give things meaning. And you may give something a different meaning than your spouse, child, sibling, friend or co-worker.
For example, in the winter, in the northern states or Canada, you may keep your home at 66 degrees. It feels cooler to some who are used to keeping their homes at 70 degrees.
Only if you were to go outside when it’s around 10 degrees or below zero and come back into your 66 degree home, it will feel warm. It’s all relative.
Does this make sense?
Here’s one example as this Law pertains to money:
OK, so let’s say you’re earning $50,000 per year. You aren’t feeling like this is enough money.
If you lived in India or some other country, $50,000 would be a large sum per year to have. It’s all relative.
When you look at the way someone else thinks about a certain subject, I find it helps to remember this Law.
Yes, healthy debate may be good, only putting others down for their beliefs will not get you the things you want in your life or the joy you may really want to live in. Do you agree?
Everything is relative. When you can remember this, maybe you will change your response, the next time someone has an opposite opinion than you have. You can become gentler and less judgmental.
When you use this Law, it will pull you up.
By remembering the Law of Relativity each day, you just might begin to transform your life.
When someone has a different idea about something or you have some limiting belief crop up, instead of becoming angry with them or with yourself, you can say to yourself, “It’s all relative. Let me put this into perspective. Interesting point of view.”
It will take practice. Be kind. Be gentle with yourself.
Every single decision a person makes is relative to some other decision. And you may never know where it all began for them.
Here is a wonderful link to read a couple of worthwhile fables, about this concept of everything being relative:
When you live within this Law often, what you can have and do are endless!
The many divides we have, will become less.
I hope you will stop and think about this important Law each day and utilize it.
Leave me a comment with your thoughts and update me on how you’re doing implementing this in your life!
With many blessings to you,
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