When you dream and follow your intuition, you will experience wonderful things in your life.
First, I have hosted 5 Spiritual Vacation Retreats, following my dreams and intuition.
Recently I returned from Costa Rica where I hosted my first retreat at the gorgeous Lapazul Retreat Center.
Because my friend, Elizabeth-Patricia Connor, followed her dream and intuition, a breathtaking place was created.
Not only for retreats, but for families to enjoy each other as well.
You see, all of the people we encountered at Lapazul, enjoy working there and creating an atmosphere like no other.
The energy, the vibration, is one of joy, kindness, love, fun and peace.
Furthermore, Lapazul sits 1000 feet above sea level, where everyone’s balcony, the dining area, the infinity pool, and the yoga platform, all have amazing views of the ocean!
So, due to this glorious location, it was easy to live in our present moments and feel so much appreciation.
Therefore, as I look back on the last over 12 years, since I became a Certified Dream Coach, I’m grateful I’ve allowed myself to dream and follow my intuition.
As a result of each instance I chose to listen to my intuition and taken action, many things have unfolded for me.
It hasn’t been without fears and doubts. You see, I’ve learned to move forward anyway. Especially when the reasons keep tugging at my heart.
When one of my coaches told me I didn’t have a large enough following to host my first Spiritual Vacation Retreat in Kauai in 2015, I disregarded her thoughts.
Instead, I followed my dream and my intuition. With each retreat I’ve hosted, I keep learning valuable things.
One big thing is, I need each and every participant to be present when I share the very important Universal Laws. Not just present physically, only for each of them to share their gifts, thoughts and insights with our group.
Each of us have them.
Above all, my reason for sharing the Universal Laws at our retreats, is the hope that each person will carry them forth into their own lives, living by example for others to see and feel.
As this happens, like a domino affect, we are helping raise the vibration of this planet. It gives me hope, that as each of us are more positive and living at a higher vibration of love, joy and appreciation, this far outweighs any negativity or lower vibrations that are out there.
Similarly, as I listened to my intuition and followed my dream of having a place near the ocean, our beautiful condo showed up.
After, my return from Costa Rica, 5 days later, I flew to Orlando, Florida to help my daughter, Abby, celebrate her first Mother’s Day.
Such joy being with her, her husband, James and our 7 month old granddaughter, Elianah, experiencing her first time in the pool and ocean!
Also, I was experiencing my dreams, spending time at our new condo, with my friend of almost 60 years, Debbie, getting things cleaned and linens washed and much more.
As I listen to my intuition, even though I’m now well past 65 years on this planet, I still think of myself as a 35 year old!
As my 92 year old amazing dad, says, so much of life is about your thoughts and mindset.
Lastly, what are you doing to live your dreams? Are you listening and following your intuition?
The last morning at Lapazul, I knew I wanted to host another retreat there. Therefore, I set the dates with Elizabeth-Patricia right away. This time whale watching and snorkeling is one of the fun excursions I’m offering, as well as more waterfalls.
I’m also sharing a few different Universal Laws as well.
Here is the link to look at the tentative itinerary:
Contact me if this is speaking to you! After your initial down payment of $500, I take payments throughout the year.
With love and appreciation,
PS. The photo above was taken at Finca 6 in Costa Rica. The spheres are a bit of a mystery, some dating between 200 B.C-800 A.D. The photo below is me in the beautiful infinity pool at Lapazul!
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