Do you speak your truth? Recently I had a situation happen in my life that reminded me I need to always speak my truth no matter what is going on.
I’ve found when it’s something “sticky”, meaning something I want to avoid communicating, I am not the best at voicing what’s going on with me immediately. I have been the one who waits for awhile, and sometimes it’s a long while!
What I found with this situation recently, it did more harm than good, keeping my true feelings from the person who really needed to hear what I was feeling.
Once I did speak my truth, and it was from a place of my frustration and having enough, it wasn’t received well at all. Which only created anger for both parties involved.
I was able to go back a couple weeks later and “clean up my side of the street” and own my not being open and honest sooner about what I felt and could see happening. I did it with clarity and calmness.
It turned out well and I was strong and stood firmly in my truth.
Now this person is not someone I see on a regular basis, I have been friends with the entire family for over 20 years. If it were someone I lived with, I would hope I would have spoken up sooner.
If I would not have gone back again to own my lack of owning my truth and take responsibility for my part of the lack of communication, the entire friendship would have been gone.
When things like this happen any time in my life, I always look for my lessons.
The big lesson for me is to not wait as long as did or I have in my past, to stand strongly, own my feelings and state my truth, no matter what the results would be. Getting clear about what you want to communicate is very important as well, to be able to state what your view and feelings are.
I had a chance last evening with someone I had just met, to speak my truth with strength and clarity. I must say it felt really good!
So, do you own your truth?
I am truly working towards saying I do all of the time. I’m just not there yet!
Please leave me any comments about this topic, that you have experienced. I’d love to hear any insights you have that may help me move more quickly in situations that are sure to crop up in my world, where I need to own my truth immediately. I’ll keep you posted!
With many blessings,
I think its hard for most of us to always speak our truth….we don’t like to rock the boat….and we aren’t comfortable with confrontation…that’s what seems to hold us back. But when it’s absolutely necessary we must be clear and come from a loving place within.
Yes I agree Deb, we don’t want to rock the boat and most of us aren’t comfortable with confrontation. Yes clarity and coming from a loving place is best of course. I’m choosing to step up and have the uncomfortable conversations now much more than I ever have. It’s a journey!~