This week I received a newsletter from a friend, asking if we can have too many friendships.
I wrote back to her that I feel you can never have too many friends.
Yes to have great friends in your life, you must be a great friend. She stated something about maybe not having enough time to spend to cultivate a great friendship. She was posing a question to those of us reading her article to get us thinking about friendships I think.
My thoughts about cherishing your friendships are simple.
As I look at my life and being here on this planet now for over 62 years, I have many friendships that I’ve cherished. I have 3 friends that I met in grade school and two are shown in the photo above with me.
Donna is shown on the right side of this photo and we met when we were just 6 years old, in first grade. In fact this coming week I am flying to Dallas for business and then I will fly to Houston to visit with Donna and her husband for a couple days. We stay in touch through phone calls, emails, text messages and a bit through social media.
Donna and I haven’t seen each other in awhile, and I’m so excited to see her again!
The other friend shown in this photo is Sharon. The 3 of us were the “3 Musketeers” from about 5th grade through high school. There was never any competition with the 3 of us and no typical behaviors that I’ve seen other young girls exhibit when there were more than 2 of you together at any one time.
I cherish each of them and our long lasting friendships and I feel loved and supported by both of them. They feel the same from me.
I value all of my friendships I’ve made over the years. Some people have come and gone with no further contact.
Each person you have met along your journey here, have been valuable to you in some way or perhaps many ways. Each person holds an opportunity for your growth.
Have you ever stopped and become aware of the type of people you are now attracting into your life?
They are all in alignment with where you’re at today. What you’re feeling and thinking on a daily basis. Remember we are all energy beings and with our thoughts and feelings come a vibration. To have someone in your life right now, there is a common vibration that brought you together.
Stop and look at your current relationships. Look at your new friendships specifically. Who are they and what do they bring to the table? Are they positive and uplifting? Look at their qualities. I will suggest they’re a mirror of you and what you’re bringing to the table.
What do you think?
I have several new women friends in my life that I cherish. I’ve met many of them through my monthly women circles and through some women’s networking groups I regularly attend.
As you look for and see the good in others more often than not, you’ll be living from a higher vibration on the Emotional Scale I shared with you last week. Think about it.
Each of us deserve caring, friendly people in our lives, who treat us with love and respect. Are you treating yourself that way? That’s a very important piece of the puzzle!
So in conclusion, I feel we can never have too many friends in our life. They may not be the friend that you keep in contact with on a regular basis, only when you are in contact, you can feel that strong connection and caring for each other. At a women’s conference I was at this past week, there were so many women I love and cherish there. As I looked at each of them and waved or spoke to them, I was aware of how much I cherish each of them.
Leave me a comment or send me an email back with your thoughts on friendship. I’d love to hear from you!
Love and blessings,
PS I invite you to take a look at our 2018 Kauai Spiritual Vacation Retreat! October 5-12, 2018, 20 of us will come together in paradise, developing friendships for 7 days/7 nights. You will have fun, learn, BE and experience things you have never experienced in your life.
Look at all of the details on my retreat page with videos from other years:
If this retreat is speaking to you, contact me ASAP to have a conversation. Aloha!~
I totally agree with you that we can never have too many friendships. I spent last night at a Halloween party with life long friends. Several of us (including me) celebrated our Big 60 this year. We had so much fun finding different ways to celebrate for each one of us. I have friendships with my sister’s circle of friends; we may tease that we are the ‘B team’ but in reality we have developed deep love among us.
I also, have made new friendships over the years in my business, many of my clients become friends!
I guess it’s safe to say, I love my friendships!
I feel blessed to have each one and it another deep friendship evolves, I’ll be a happy camper!
Thanks for giving me my gratitude feelings today!
With Love & Peace,
Thank you Roe! I’m so happy you have such great friendships. I appreciate you!
I treasure my friendships. Some are deep, and become like a family member, some are less deep, but are still good friends, then there are acquaintances, who you are friendly with when you happen to be together. Each holds a different size place in your heart.
Thank you Marcy! Friendships are so very important. I’m happy to call you my friend!