Lately the word compassion has been coming to me.
I’m aware we need more compassion in this world and in our own lives.
As I looked up the word compassion, here are some synonyms that came up:
Sympathy, understanding, empathy, care, concern, love, warmth, gentleness, kindness, and consideration.
Here’s a link to read some quotes about compassion:
In our lives, whether personal or professional, compassion creates a kinder atmosphere.
Compassion involves an authentic desire to help others while creating a positive effect in any situation.
When we treat ourselves and others with compassion, we each have more to share within our relationships, whether personal or at work.
Bonds and trust are established more easily when compassion is present.
Consequently, in any type of work environment, when compassion is present, you and everyone involved, feels supported.
Competition and fear of failure usually aren’t there.
Furthermore, the same goes for our personal relationships. With compassion, they will be stronger, and you will feel more supported and understood.
Because, as compassion is felt, our world will be a more peaceful place to live.
Hence, when you reach out and show you genuinely care and want to help others, it inspires them and helps them to feel happier.
Isn’t that how you feel when someone reaches out and shows you care, concern and help?
It all begins with each of us.
What are things you could do to create more of this in your life?
Edifying or complimenting someone either alone or in the presence of others, is a great way to create an atmosphere of authentic, uplifted energy.
Think back to a time when someone applauded you either alone or in front of a group of people. You felt valued, didn’t you?
As you take the time to compliment someone for their attributes, it’s creating a kinder, gentler, more compassionate relationship, isn’t it?
As we are beginning this new year, I’ve heard many asking, “What is your word for 2020?”
So, today is when I became aware my word is “compassion”.
Do you have a word for this year? If not, you may want to do what I did. I simply asked God for what it is He wants me to know. What is it he wants me to move forward on?
As I do this each night on my way to sleep, I’m opening myself up to receive messages or answers.
Here’s what I say each night:
“God, what is it you want me to know? Help me to hear you, understand and remember what it is. (It may come in the form of a dream) Then, help me to act, when action is appropriate”.
I would have to say, this consistent exercise each night, has given me answers and helped me to have more faith in my life. I trust I’ll get my answers as I listen.
It has helped me to get out of the way. To allow God to step in. I’ve become slower, more aware of my surroundings, and things flow more easily in my life.
I hope you’ll begin to practice this simple exercise each night as well.
Finally, compassion for yourself and others around you will be present more often.
With hope. Love and compassion for you,
Such a coincidence that you bring up compassion today. The Topic of the church service I attended today was anger. Soon after I asked my 16 year old great-niece if she was carrying anger around for anyone. She said yes, my best friend. After talking more, I said “She may actually need more compassion and understanding right now. She may be asking for help but her behavior comes out otherwise.
Thanks for your comments~! Yes you’re right about the possibility of your great nieces friend needing compassion and understanding. Often things come out sideways when we aren’t sure of what it is that’s going on inside of us. Great information to give to her!