Cherish each moment as often as you can.
What does cherish mean to you?
From Merriam-Webster:
to hold dear: feel or show affection
to keep or cultivate with care and affection
Because I don’t have my two adult children both living in the Minneapolis area, the times I get to have both of them under our roof are rare.
Adam lives here in our area with our two youngest grandchildren.
Recently my daughter, Abby, and husband James, were here in town. As I looked forward to my first time in over two years having them here in our home, I was emotional.
The word that kept coming to me to describe how I felt, was cherish.
During the few hours they were here, I did not get photos of all of us, since I found I needed to cherish each second.
As a result of living in each precious moment, I was able to cherish all of it.
From Liv 7, and Reid 4, standing on chairs helping me prepare dinner and setting the table to the conversations we all had during dinner.
With all of us playing the fun dice game, Farkle, after dinner, there was so much laughter.
Cherish every second.
Enjoy the moment you’re living in.
I looked up, as I often do, what others say about a topic I’m writing about. Here are tips I found on a site I’ll include at the bottom; in case you want to read more:
- Spend more time in the present: You cannot change the past and if you’re always living in the future, it’s difficult to appreciate what you have going on right now. One way to start living more in the present is to fully engage in each moment.
- Start a gratitude journal: Get in the habit of writing down at least five things every day that you are grateful for.
For instance, I have been writing in a gratitude journal now for over 25 years. I choose to write in it every morning. Some people like to write each evening.
For me, I like to set my day up in a successful way, therefore I choose to write in the mornings.
- Spend time with your loved ones: It’s easy to get caught up in work, and errands. Make a list of the topmost important people in your life. How often do you see them or hear their voices?
Plan to spend more time with the people you care about the most. If they live far away, plan a video chat or phone call once a week or so.
- Stop for the little moments: Most people wait for the big and life-changing moments to be happy and appreciate life, and it’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
The great majority of our days are made up of little moments that pass us by, moments that truly define our lives.
When you ignore the little moments, you miss the big picture, and life becomes all about waiting for the next big thing.
So, you need to stop, look around you, and let the little moments appear in front of you. You will be amazed at how many wonderful things you miss out on!
Begin to stop and cherish people, places and things around you.
When you notice the little things in life, they become a source of joy as if they are larger than life, and that will make you cherish your existence a lot more.
Consequently, when I stop and cherish and appreciate my moments, my attitude shifts, my energy increases, and my vibration is raised.
Finally, I’m living less on autopilot. I find I’m living in more joy and love more of my present moments.
Let me know your thoughts on what it means for you to cherish. I’d love to hear from you!
With love and appreciation,
PS. Here is the link to read more on living a life you cherish:
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