by Connie Hertz
Some people have asked, “How do I know if I’m doing this right?”, when they begin to meditate.
My answer to that is, if you feel more relaxed, feel less tense, more at peace, less stressed, then you’re “doing it right”.
Like I said last week, there are many different ways to meditate. Google it and do some research on it. Pick what “speaks” to you to begin your mediation process.
The benefits are many for each of us when we take 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes per day to stop and take our deep breaths, close our eyes and allow our many thoughts to be put aside for this short period of time.
As I stated before, I meditate in the afternoons. This is the time I feel the need to refresh and regroup and get more into alignment with God, with who I really am. As I take my deep breaths and listen to my guided meditation, I’m currently listening to every day for either 15 or 30 minutes, my resistences to things in life become less. I am able to see things more clearly, my emotions are quieted, and I always feel more at peace.
Answers I’m asking God for come more easily as well.
There really isn’t anything mystical about meditation. The more you take the time daily to stop and breathe deeply with your eyes closed, with or without relaxing music on, the better you will feel about everything in your life. Blood pressure is lowered, more oxygen is moving through our bodies, and our overall health improves.
I do find it helpful to find a relaxing piece of music to have on as I’m doing this. I really like ocean waves, the sound of rain, sounds of nature. You can find these even at Target, and listen to them before you purchase them.
Other spiritual practices people have found helpful to help them grow into the person they are meant to be are: prayer, going to their place of worship, walking in nature being fully aware of their surroundings, writing questions to God down on a piece of paper and then writing down God’s answer to them, ( allowing the first thing that comes to you, without thinking and writing this down) and many others.
What do you do to calm yourself down and what are your spiritual practices you do?
Explore the many things that are available and add them into your day.
The key is be consistent!
There really isn’t a right or wrong way to meditate or get yourself in alignment. Begin where you are at!
As always, I hope if you found value in this post or any other post here on my blog, you will “Share” it on FB or send the link to others per email.
I feel it’s important to get these messages out to as many people as possible.
Thanks ahead of time for doing this.
Many blessings to you,
Ivana Siska ~ The Loving Life Coach says
Beautiful… even just imagining the sound of the ocean and nature, while allowing what may come to come puts me at ease. Thank you for sharing.
conniehertz says
Thanks, Ivana!