A mild winter here in Minnesota has been so delightful for me.
The photo above adds a bit of humor, since in the past, 13 degrees would be considered warm, after days of below or near zero.
Since I don’t like cold and snowy weather, I’ve had so much appreciation for our winter this year.
Furthermore, the sunshine has been glorious, more days than not.
I find it truly helps with my spirit. Also, my thoughts and my attitude have been more positive.
What about you? How do you feel about winter?
For instance, we have been hearing the birds sing for a few weeks already.
Since last winter was our third snowiest on record, and it was my daughter, Abby’s first winter here with her family, since she was a senior in high school, appreciation now is even bigger.
Another thing I appreciate about this mild winter, is not needing to put on boots and bundle up so much.
Plus, no worries about slipping on the ice!
Consequently, I find I’m staying on the left side of the Emotional Scale more often.
I’ll share it again at the bottom of my article, as a reminder.
Hence, it reminds me, each of us makes our own choices in every moment, of how we are thinking and then how we feel inside.
You see, our thoughts govern our emotions. And then the vibrations you are putting off.
Above all, you need to pay attention to yourself and slow down. When you find yourself living on “auto-pilot”, stop, take a deep breath and think of something you appreciate.
As I’ve found, appreciation is a doorway to moving up the Emotional Scale. When I used to give webinars and speeches, I’d do an exercise with the groups that proved this.
You can do it yourself fairly quickly.
- First, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 on the positive side, ask yourself where are you at emotionally?
- Time yourself for just one minute as you write down everything you appreciate (you can do it longer if you choose)
- Next, rate your emotions on the same scale
- Most often, your rating will be higher. Your mood has shifted.
Lastly, as we head into more spring weather, I am aware that winter will probably show its head again here in Minnesota. Actually, the day I’m sharing this article, we are supposed to be getting 6-12 inches of snow!
It’s unusual to not have some snow in March and April.
However, having the mild winter we’ve had, has helped me to stop and appreciate more often.
Plus, when the snow does come, which its scheduled to, I’ll know it won’t last very long.
Share with me your thoughts about what works for you to shift your emotions and move up the Emotional Scale below.
I’d enjoy hearing from you!
With love and so much appreciation,
PS. Here is an article about enjoying a mild winter:
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