Honoring our father’s on Fathers Day is a once a year event. Shown here is my favorite photo of my dad, Homer. I’ve written about him several times since I began my blog over 3 1/2 years ago.
My dad is a very special man. His joy is felt by everyone that meets him. He is a constant giver. Giver of time, love, help, service and in so many other ways. I am very blessed to have him in my life and to have a dad that has and will always listen closely to what I have to say. I have always felt like I matter to him and what I have to say is important to him.
My dad is youthful in every way. He walks daily and worked as a carpenter for many years, using his physical body, keeping him moving. Only his work took a toll on his joints and thank God for replacements! My dad is the “Bionic Man” with one shoulder replaced and later this year, his other shoulder will be replaced as well. Both his hips and knees have been replaced. This has kept him able to move more easily and to live a better quality of life.
I love and honor my dad not just on this one day a year, but every day.
My dad highly values his family. All 5 of us kids, and all of our families, know and feel this from him. Thank you Dad for who you are and what you do! I love you beyond words. You are an amazing role model for all of us.
There are many other fathers I am honoring today as well. Hale, my love, my son Adam, who is the father of my beautiful 3 year old granddaughter Livi, and a son due in November, my brother, my brother-in-laws, my nephews and all of you dads out there who are there for your children on a regular basis.
All of us who were blessed with dad’s that care, love and support us, no matter what, are truly fortunate. Not all dads are that way however.
What are some ways you are honoring the father’s in your life? What are ways you honor them throughout the year?
Share with me in your comments below.
Enjoy your special day all of you father’s out there, and continue to strive to be the best dads you can be!
Happy Father’s Day Dad!❤️
With love and blessings,
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