Listen To Your Body Each Day And Slow Down
As you listen to your body each day and slow down, you will perhaps catch things before they turn into something bigger.
Because I have learned over many years to listen to my body, I’ve been pretty darn healthy.
As the meme says above, “If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream”.
As a result of consistent exercise, eating healthier food, taking great vitamins, daily chi machine usage and meditation, I have accumulated years of living in a healthy body.
I gave a zoom presentation recently surrounding this blog I wrote a couple months ago: tips-to-naturally-protect-your-memory-and-brain-as-you-age
First, I shared with the group, about the importance of keeping our telomeres from shortening. Your telomeres protect your DNA, your chromosomes. The longer your telomeres, the heathier your life and the longer you will live.
Picture the little plastic ends to shoelaces. These represent what your telomeres do to protect your chromosomes.
As we age, our telomeres shorten. I shared in this blog above, all the things you can do to help grow your neuropathways in your brain. Hence, keeping your telomeres from becoming shorter.
I urge you to click on the link above and copy the tips, and begin to use them in your daily life.
Furthermore, as I have learned to listen to my body, to tune in, I know the things to do and help I need, to get me back into balance.
How aware are you of what’s going on with your body?
Similarly, as you pay attention to what you are feeling, where your emotions are on the Emotional Scale, I share often, you can get back to the left side of the scale more quickly.
On the left side of the Emotional Scale are feelings that hold a higher vibration. When you live more often from the left side of the scale, your life will be happier and healthier.
I will share the Emotional Scale once again at the bottom of this article. It will help you to print it and look at it each day.
Consequently, it’s each of our responsibility, to choose each day to take care of our body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Above all, consistency is vital. Vital to keep yourself healthier in every aspect.
If you need help with consistency, please reach out to me. I have become good over the years, at being consistent.
Finally, as you slow down, get plenty of sleep, pray, and keep a healthy mindset, you will be creating a happier, healthier life.
You will have more to give and share with those you love and work with.
Here’s an article I shared once before, that may help you learn to listen to your body:
Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who celebrate either of these holidays!
And a very happy, healthy, joyful 91st birthday to my Dad, Homer! I love and appreciate you more than words can ever express.
With love and blessings to you,